Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Warming the World, Raising Sparks: A pilgrimage in another dimension.

Back from an amazing journey. Raising sparks by studying at rabbi's gravesites in the Ukraine and Poland. We experienced amazing learning as well as wonderful hospitality and food. 
Rabbi Hoffman: “The chapter in the Torah this week is 'Massei' the journeys of the Jewish people in the desert. There were 42 camps. In each camp, mistakes were made. The deepest learning comes from our mistakes.”
That was my intention on this journey, to extract sparks left here from Jews living here hundreds and hundreds of years.” 
Babi Yar:  Beautiful spot.  Mothers stroll with children and baby carriages.  Bicyclists ride by.  Daniel: "My high school had 2000 students.  This was like 50 of my schools slaughtered. "  

On the way to the Rebbe Nason.

On the way to the Baal Shem Tov's Grave

At the Baal Shem Tov's Grave

Commentary coming soon

The synagogue in Berdichev has a preschool

 History meets history.. we meet a German historian.   
What do you see here?

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