Thursday, April 18, 2013

Does this photo say anything to you?

Does this photo say anything to you?

Can a photo carry it’s own weight without a story or backstory?  Even painters supply a backstory.  In “The Songlines” by Bruce Chatwin” an aboriginal painter has to tell a story about his work to a prospective buyer to cement the sale of his painting.  At a show of Life magazine photographs, I was asked which photograph speaks to me, meaning does an image bring out a personal back story.  Here is a photo of my friend Michael Cohen.  We could back story, front story, 2nd story you till the cows come home, the fat lady sings and it’s too dark at night to see the ball anymore and it’s time for everyone to quit playin ball, quit bullshitting and head home.
There wuz all kinda stuff happenin during our visit.  "Don’t tell me you never heard about"…but I’m not gonna tell ya that one.  Instead, I’ll ask “does this photo say anything to you?”
Feel Free to comment.
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