Friday, February 15, 2013

"The Big Picture " event redux

"The Big Picture " event redux
The photo selected for "The Big Picture " event in March was 
a flower photo that adorns the cover of  "Found Flowers."
 Photos for "The Big Picture " 
                               event are displayed outdoors throughout                                 
the city.  So I included more street themed photos.  
Below is "Chalk Art in an Hour." 
I volunteered for the Mizel Museum to give out flyers 
while an artist produced an artistic chalk rendering.
NO Artist.  Everywhere I look, artists are chalking 
from renderings and layouts, planning on spending all 
day or weekend to produce something amazing.  
I'm here for an hour before heading up to Boulder 
so I grab some chalk and go for it.  
I recruit kids and their grateful parents are snapping away 
and staff is politely inviting the kids to go the designated kid's art area.  
OK.  One of Mizel Museum's themes is "raise the sparks."  
So there we are; "Chalk Art in an Hour."

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 Original below
You wont see any of these photos on my website.
If you are interested in more traditional photographic services,
please visit
Have a great weekend.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Positively 4th St Photos

4th st Rodin
I have submitted some photographs for an upcoming photographic event.
My work has been exhibited as one man shows in local galleries but it’s the first time
I’ve submitted work for a group show.  “4th St Rodin” was taken in a playground in the village
in New York on, you guessed it, 4th st.  Space is tight in NYC and the handball court was no
exception.  So I was standing about 2 inches from the foul line of the single wall as ballplayers
are wacking the ball hard and fast.  This was during my 5 month stint on crutches
(I tore my Achilles tendon playing handball) so it was tough to dodge errant balls. 

I had gone to the village after visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art and
wandering down a long hallway filled with Rodin sculptures, amazing. 
This sculpted handball player was positively like a moving Rodin sculpture.
What do you think? 

4th st basketball
Same schoolyard, same tight quarters.  If it looks like the basketball is
inches from the lense, that’s because it is.  Many photographers like to
shoot from a distance.  I like to get in close.  Shooting from a distance feels
 removed and nonintuitive.  Up close, the sense of immediacy allows me to
 shoot more by feel.  The wide angle view takes in more of the scene.
The original photo was in color but all submissions were black and white. 
What feeling do you get from the color image?

4th st outsider
This was taken outside the fence a
 few frames after the basketball photograph.

  Barry    Meriash-PhotoColorado  720-203-1135