Monday, March 4, 2019

Hangology and Creativity: David Amram at the Merc

So I'm standing outside in the coldy cold cold, rapping and riffing with this white goateed cool cat talking about jazz shows and catching the old cats as they come through town.

I told him that I saw David Amram and he was like "he's so great and the last couple years I haven't caught the birthday celebrations." I'm thinking "hey I was glad to catch this one and to catch Amram at El Chapultepec about 10+ years ago for the celebration of Jack Kerouac's 'On the Road' 50th anniversary." And me and Hilary were BFF's with Cassady's ex, Catherine, during the show, sitting in the front booth like VIP's, almost.

didja know David Amram taught Rahsan Roland Kirk how to blow two saxes at once. didja? Playin two penny whistles.
And he's telling me about Pat Metheny and I'm talkin about the "Return to Forever" reunion at the Paramount where I spur momented picked up a face value ticket outside and saw CC, Chick Corea plucking on the inside strings of the piano and he said" yeah man he does that" and then it was like "hey man it's really cold out here, I gotta go."

Havin his own 'percussion discussion' w trumpeter, Amram playin a French Horn and oobyoobliying ooblyoodee ay! (any you guys know "Percussion Discussion" by MR, Max Roach and CM Charlse Mingus? or a moderne version by HH,Herbie Hancock and BC Billy Cobham w thousands of thousanths of second spaces and I can still follow the dots....sorta..).

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