Sunday, November 26, 2017

Grateful:Thanksgiving past revisited

My first Thanksgiving with family in a looong time. Delicious food, great company and Eli and Miles, my grandkids are so full of energy!  Since 2003, I've spent most of my Thanksgivings freezing my tootsies and hoping to survive traipsing in the Utah Canyon lands.

Thanksgiving 2003.
We're wandering through canyons around Poly''s Island. Rabbi -Mr Outward Bound -Hoffman, asks me if I can see where we are on the map. I cant read Chinese or mapese, sorry. Roots of overturned trees from a recent hundred years flood freak me. When I stumble in the thickets and on the brambles, I bounce back up.  My biggest concern are the rocks on top of the canyon walls, waiting to fall down on me. IF they've been up there for 2 million years, that increases the chances they're gonna fly down and crush me. 

The crew: Mr outward bound, his 22 year old son Ari and 22 year old friend, Eli. 
Eli lit in to me. Will you quit your complaining, you'd probably be home watching "the Sopranos."  "I don't watch the Sopranos. I didn't realize my recreational whining was bothersome."  
Toins out that if you don't voice a complaint, it becomes smaller in the mind..
I loint something.
I'm grateful for the 20 somethings who took turns making sure the guy at the end of the line-me, didn't fall too far behind. I'm grateful to Sharon, who helped get my gear together. Without her help, it would have been my last trip.

Thanksgiving 2011 Fish and Owl Canyon
I had my burning bush moment. A green leaf backlit by the sun was Caught in a naked bush. Wow! I was already maybe a 1/3 of a mile behind and instead of falling behind another 1/4 mile, I paused but kept on schlepping, praying "G-d,
please guide my feet."

I was going to leave my sleeping pad and ski pants behind.  My backpack kept on getting caught in the brush and bushes and I needed to climb out up this steep canyon wall the next morning.  Rabbi -Mr Outward Bound -Hoffman took offense at the desecration of his holy place. "You're pushing my buttons!"  "I just want to not get killt, ok?"

I'm grateful to Alan, who stayed in his tent during the drama but explained later, that my leavings would have disturbed the feng shui of the spot. Hmm..

After climbing the steep canyon wall the next morning, there was the last 6 feet to climb.  We were on a narrow shelf atop a thousand foot cliff. All you have to do is step on a little pile of rocks and stretch your other foot overt your head like a super limber dancer (right..) and stretch a hand Gumby like to reach a hold and somehow pull your bodyweight up 6 feet.  Can you throw me down a rope to tie around my waist so I don't get killt?  Down comes a shoe lace tied to another lace. Hmm..

Thanksgiving 2013
The plan was to go back to Fish and Owl Canyon. To traverse the last 6 foot climb out the canyon, I bought 50 feet of rope, enough to tie back and forth multiple times so I wouldn't go sailing off the cliff. Smart tinking, right?

The road in was impassable due to a storm, so we went somewhere else.
After 5 days of hiking-and quicksand-our exit was blocked by a 50 foot high rock.
"NO problem, we can hike back out in 4 or 5 days and eat the oatmeal I brought that no one wanted to eat." My friend, Mr you-know who- said "no problem, we'll belay up the rock w your rope." "Beh-what??"

The White Line is my Rope 

I'm grateful that the rope held for 8 people to climb out. And that when the sole of my shoe came undone after my belay scamper, and duck tape did not work, Ted had a pair of hiking sandals for me.

Lastly, I'm Grateful that I was lost and scared by choice, not like my parents who hid, or marched or worse during the war and then wandered through Europe after World War 2 trying to find lost family.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Eddie Palmieri, Abraham and a Bronx Boychic walk into a bar

Eddie After the Show

Eddie Palmieri, Abraham and a Bronx Boychic walk into a bar

Written with asterisks so you might not get distracted from the tune of the story. Hmm.. *0

I went to see Eddie Palmieri at Dazzle this past Thursday because
I heard him on Kuvo talk up the young musicians in his band.  I missed another jazz legend, Herbie Hancock at the Botanic Gardens this summer and missed the Latin jazz mobiles in upper Manhattan back in the 1970's.
I was going to the Fillmore East back then. So it was time to catch Eddie.

By a meaningful coincidence, I wound up sitting next
to another guy from the Bronx. This was followed by another
connected event the following day and two days after that.

The Dazzle- Palmieri experience was wonderful. Getting into Dazzle was
a bit of trip. It seemed a little disorganized to some of the crowd-me- but
the staff was calm and taking care of business.  When a table for two was available, I said, I'll go with someone, anyone to get in.. and wound up sitting with an ex-Bronx guy, ex basoon player for the Denver/Colorado symphony for 37 years. Is it random that 2 Bronx boys in Denver get seated next to each other?
Not to mention that he is a classical musician and I have photographed
classical musicians. hmm.. *2
There was at least one other Bronx boychic in the audience, Don Byron, a black man who plays Jewish, classical, jazz and beyond.  And he teaches at Metro. My bro-in-law, Steve Levine *3 saw Byron play a didgerydoo with Santana back in the day.

From the get go Eddie was on. Eddie, this little guy, 80 year young cat, was helped out to the piano. Standing, he first introduced his band players with so much enthusiasm and love!  My nephew, Louis Fouche, the sax player who graduated MIT.. and each musician was presented as if by a proud father! Eddie Palmieri and his band were cookin. Hip, high energy with nods to Tito Puente and Puerto Rican roots.
I spoke with saxman, Louis Fourche at the end of the show. He has his own music in a different style. check out

Next time:
·        the concert becomes richer.
·        Abraham.
·       and at least one more asterisk side journey.

*1 I was a student of my rabbi who gave birth to "Barry of the Bronx," as Bobby Richardson, Yankees #2  autographed a 16x20 photo I had taken of him at a Denver old-timers game. Actually, I've always been "Barry of the Bronx," but what am I going to say, A nonobservant orthodox Jew? I've always been that too, ever since I took off my yarmulke on Shabbos to play
ball in the street (where I would get into fights during the rest of the week
for wearing the yarmulke but that's another digressive story). I've always been outed but Rabbi Hofman outed my yiddisha neshamah even more so, in a good way.  Up at Snowmass during an interreligious retreat at the Catholic Monastery, I was asked why I'm Jewish. "ich bin a yid."  "in my kishkas." Boom.

*2 He was also an avid jazz fan and told me about seeing John Coltrane and Eric Dolphy the Village VANGUARD.)

Home Concert at the Bein Residence-Boulder

Home Concert at the Bein Residence-Boulder

Jonathan Bein 
Photos by Barry Meriash

*3 Steve Levine is a musician and producer, DJ of Radio Free Nachlaot
"Shlomo meets Jerry" 24-6.. an internet music station featuring great music you don't hear every day and more. Worth checking out


Post by Barry Meriash