Friday, December 8, 2017

a "No Note Left Behind" house concert

Nadejda Vlaeva had incredible hands and fingers. She played a piece for left hand only and her thumb bent, acted and looked like a right-hand pinky.

She played a number of short piano pieces by Sergei Bortkiewicz, an almost unkown 20th century composer from the Ukraine.  He was banned in Russia because he left after the Russian revolution for Germany.  He was banned in Germany because he was from Russia

Nadejda said she liked "old fashioned" and enjoyed Bortkiewicz , who was considered old fashioned, not composing in 20th century modern style, ergo an old fashioned photo.

Nadejda and Jonathan

Nadejda’s performance was extraordinary in the range of emotion and palette of musical colors and dynamics.  Her talent is genuinely special.  All who heard this performance were palpably moved. -Jonathan Bein